| Hello Third Trimester |
The home stretch has begun! That is right we only have two more months until we meet our little bundle of joy, bumble bee, baby bear!! I could go on forever but I won’t bore you with cute nicknames today, I will save those for all the baby posts coming your way very soon. I can barely believe that the home stretch has begun it feels like just yesterday I was standing in the bathroom staring down at the positive test in my hand. Now 7 months later I am preparing for delivery, the nursery, and our life as it grows from a loving family of three to four. Yes, our border collie Lexi is most definitely our baby too! Who’s dog isn’t?
| Goodbye Toes & Hello Comfy Clothes |
You heard that right, as my belly grows and grows I have finally started to say goodbye to the sight of my beloved toes. And with that being said I have changed my wardrobe to comfy clothing, that doesn’t mean I am sacrificing my style and fashion though! This mamma is definitely out of her old jeans and into her maternity jeans, the only downside is they all have fake pockets. Like what is up with that? Plus since I no longer looks like I am just carrying around a food baby all the time I am starting to love showing it this bump off. It makes me so happy to see my belly grow because that means he is growing strong and healthy. And you can see that Jeremy and I are not the only ones who are excited, Lexi cannot wait too!
| Weighing In |
The weight just creeps up on you, I swear it only feels like I have gained maybe ten pounds but the scale says otherwise. I have officially reached a 22-pound weight gain! Saying it out loud makes it sound like a lot but in the grand picture, I am on track to a healthy baby and a healthy me. I have curved my snacking to be healthier and with my daycare job keeping me active I have managed to not go overboard with my eating. Because let’s be honest if it was acceptable to eat monster cookies and pastries all day I would. But instead of doing that I keep myself on track with yogurt covered raisins, animal crackers, and peanut butter rice cakes.
| Whats Next |
What does our little family have planned next? Well, that is not a hard one to answer, we are always on the go and these last two months will be busier than ever. I am about to venture into my maternity leave, so bring on the books, baking and blog posts! This mamma is about to have some time on her hands. Along with that, my doctor’s appointments are changing from every four weeks to every two weeks and we are about to take our first prenatal class! It doesn’t stop there though. Our house is still in the process of being finished so that means the moment it is done it will be crunch time! Our baby needs a nursery and we need to turn our house into a home.
What is even crazier to think that this is the last
|| Say Hello To WifeyCo. ||
A big thank you to Andrea of