At the end of March, my little family and I took a much-needed vacation down to the sunny Okanagan. It was the perfect recharge that Jeremy and I both needed. Having a week to relax, visit friend and family and just go with the flow was so rejuvenating. And the fact that it was sunny and warm there made it even better. There is nothing better than the change of the season and a little vay-cay to re-energize, ground and make a person smile.

The trip was so much fun and although Greyson refused to nap longer than 30-minute intervals he was still so smiley. Every day he laughed and giggled as we packed him in and out of the truck doing all the little things we wanted to accomplish throughout the week.

Check out a few of the things we got up to below from visiting the Wildlife Park to wedding dress shopping, exploring downtown and what I have planned for our next trip. That’s right this girl is already planning our next vay-cay! But I want to hear your suggestions too!! Where should we go??

| The Wildlife Park |

When Jeremy and I first started dating we went to the Kamloops Wildlife Park on our first trip and I thought it was fitting to go again! Greyson loves to be outside so he was happy the whole time. Although he was a little young to really car or be interested in the animals it was still a fun outing and made for great pictures. We saw grizzly bears, reindeer, wolves and a Camel.

| I Said “YES” To The Dress |

The real reason for the trip was so that I could find a wedding dress and I am so so happy to say. I said YES to the dress thank you to Emily and Bliss Bridal Kelowna. I didn’t know what to expect but the appointment went better than I could have imagined. It was so much fun having my family and friends find the one. And yes I cried when I realized the dress was the one! *wipes away tear thinking about it*

Funny thing is the dress I went with I thought I wouldn’t like. When she brought it into the change room and suggested I give it a try I thought ‘that isn’t me at all’. Turns out it was I was wrong! Funny how things look so different on than on the hanger!

| Where To Next? |

Our first little trip went so well it got me and Jeremy thinking about when we will get out of town next! And that has led us to plan our next vay-cay or a mini-moon as Jeremy likes to call it. As soon as he said it I was on board. So right after the wedding, we will be hitting the road again! Or so we hope! I would love to go to Jasper and Banff but we will see. It is where we went when I was young and the memories I have from it are amazing. Where do you think we should go next?

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