Welcome to Entirely Taylor!

I am new to the blogging world and really the whole social and online community in general but I am excited to share my journey with you. While reading other blogs about the “How to’s” of staring your own blog and writing your first post I noticed a few things. They all say the same thing; be creative, excite the reader and, your first impression is the most important. At first that scared me, it made me want to turn around and scratch out all the “First Post” ideas I had scribbled into my notebook. But I took a breath, a break and thought to myself, ‘this is something you have wanted to do for a while now. So, What are you waiting for, Just do it!’ And after that little pep speech I gave myself a new idea came to mind and in that moment I knew that is what I would write about. So here it is…

Twenty facts about me to introduce myself  to you, all in honor of my Twentieth birthday.

  1. My all time favorite season is Autumn. I adore everything about it, the colours, spices, holidays and weather.
  2. My favorite colour is any of them from red to pink, with light blush pink being my most favourite.
  3. I am a coffee and tea addict. Hot or cold I’ll drink it, but no sugar or cream please. My go to coffee is the Christmas Blend that Starbucks releases for a limited time every holiday season.  My go to tea is Cream of Earl Grey by David’s Tea, it is a black tea with notes of lavender and spice. You can be purchased here. ( https://www.davidstea.com/ca_en/cream-of-earl-grey-2 ) 
  4. I would take a camping trip out in the sticks with no service over a city shopping and dining vacation any day.
  5. If i could eat one thing of the rest of my life it would be salad. Don’t get me wrong I love a good grilled steak every now and then but, you can do so much with a salad!
  6. I love having a plan and staying organized and I do so with my Happy Planner (stay tuned to see how I use mine.) 
  7. My favorite animal is… (if you know me you will know the answer without even thinking) A Hedgehog, they are just so darn cute.
  8. I live to write, short stories, poetry and maybe one day a book.
  9. My favorite hobby is fishing and not the slow sit down and wait lake fishing. I mean the reading the water and currents, half hour fight to land a fish, river fishing.
  10. My drink of choice or poison if you so choose would be a glass of wine  a bottle of wine.
  11. My guilty pleasure is sweets from cupcakes, cookies, doughnuts, pies and pastries. (stay turned see a few of my favorites I bake and even make them for yourself.)
  12. All I’ve ever owned is a Jeep and I am pretty sure that is all I will ever own and drive. 
  13. If the choice was chocolate or caramel I would choose caramel all the way!
  14. My all time favorite movie is Annie and has been since grade four.
  15. I have no tattoos right now, but one day I hope to get one (however, I’d probably cry).
  16.  My favorite flower is a lily, the pink and white ones (of course).
  17. I carry a water bottle with me everywhere and I mean everywhere, I never leave the house without it. 
  18. Admittedly, I am a Pinterest addict. (go to my contact page and follow me to see what I’m pinning)
  19. My biggest fears are deep water and the dentist.  
    Now last but not least number twenty! It answers the question that I get asked most and I know I will be asked forever.
  20. Yes my hair is red and Yes it is all natural. 



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  1. I love it! So creative and insightful for your first post! Can’t wait to read more and to see some of your favorite recipes I love your baking so I know they will be yummy!! Happy Birthday!! ♡♡

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