With all those DIY facemasks out there on Pinterest, Facebook, and even Instagram it can be hard to pick out the best one to use and try. Well look no further because I have done all work for you, I’ve done the back-breaking mashing and mixing of ingredients with lots of trial and error to find the best ones. And after trying my fair share of DIY facemasks I finally found the top three. Each one targets a different “problem” such as an oily t-zone, dryness, and redness. So if you are looking for a quick, cheap, and best of all natural way to soothe that November dryness, Halloween oiliness, or changing season redness look no further! Oh, and did I mention that these DIY facemasks are the best excuse to give yourself a little spa day?

Dry Skin || Coconut Oil Soak ||

This one is my go-to when my skin is in need of some moisture and when I am in a rush. It is quick easy and leaves your skin feeling revitalized and glowing. All you need is a pea size amount of coconut oil, a face cloth, some hot water and two minutes. 

Start by rinsing your face with some warm water.Once you are done that keep the water on so it gets nice a steamy but not too hot so be careful, just as warm as your skin can take.Rub a dollop of coconut oil all over your face focusing on the problem dry areas.Now get your face clothing nice and warm in that water, ring out the extra water and drape it over your face then count to 30. Then get it warm again and repeat. This allows the coconut oil to soak into your pores and face. Once you are done with the soak lightly scrub your face in circular motions to remove any extra oil. 

Your face will thank you for this one! It will look well moisturized and feel just that way too!

Oily Skin || Egg White & Honey Facemask ||

Before you steer away from this odd sounding facemask you have to at least try it once! Just trust me on this when I tell you, it is amazing and only two simple ingredients. Egg whites are loaded with protein, potassium, magnesium, and lysozyme, an enzyme that kills acne-causing bacteria. So I assure you this little facemask will be leaving your pores feeling tighter and it works wonders for oily skin.

What are you waiting for? Give it a try! All you have to do is whisk together one egg white and a teaspoon of honey then apply it all over your face and let it sit until it drys. It takes about 15-20 minutes depending on how thick you apply it. As it drys you will feel the tightening effect it has, just you wait and see.   

Puffiness || Coconut Coffee Scrub ||

If you love the smell of freshly brewed coffee like I do then this is a must try face scrub for you. Use it right when you wake up for that pick me up feeling like the first sip of coffee feels. One of the best parts about this one is that it can but used all over the body too! Don’t be shy if you plan to take it into the shower with you for a little exfoliation. Coffee works wonders for stretch marks and cellulite by slowly reduces redness and puffiness.

Now let us give it a try! Just mix equal parts coconut oil and dry coffee grinds together then apply a small teaspoon amount to your face scrubbing in circular motions. Once you are done scrubbing rinse it off with warm water. I like to rinse them apply a warm cloth to my face for 1 minute like in the coconut oil soak to let all the oil goodness absorb completely into my skin.  




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