Can you believe that we are only two months away from welcoming baby number 2 into the world? I can barely believe it myself! And with that being said that means it is time to dig out all of the baby stuff we kept. Then wash it and make sure it is all in working order for when the baby arrives.

After digging everything out it got me thinking “What will we reuse and why did we love it so much in the first place?” So I thought why not share with you some of the big and small baby items that we will be re-using for baby number two. These items are just a few of the things we used with Greyson and LOVED. Some were lifesavers, like our mamaroo and nested bean sleep sac. Some items were gifted to us at our baby shower and some we purchased on our own but all of them are amazing none the less!

So let’s dive into it, here are 8 baby items we used with baby number 1 that we are using again with baby number 2.

| Our Baby Must-Haves |

We went through our fair share of baby items tying to find what worked best for our new family and here are a few that I know we will be using again. So take a dive into why we loved them and maybe you will be loving them too!!

| The 4Moms Mamaroo |

This was a lifesaver when Greyson was a baby and my only regret is that we didn’t have it as soon as we brought him home. Instead, we waited 2 months to buy one. But I am SO SO happy that we did, it was used daily and made hard days much easier!

| Fisher Price Baby Bath |

Greyson was bathed in the sink for a while until my mom bought us the fisher price baby bath and it made bathing so much easier!! The sling has amazing support for newborns and when Greyson could sit up we used it as a support in the big bathtub because it can convert. Definitely a bathtime gamer changer if you ask me!

| Moses Basket Bassinet with Rocking Stand |

I didn’t cosleep with Greyson and I don’t think I will with baby #2 either. It just isn’t for me. Yes, Greyson would occasionally sleep with me or on my chest but there was no way I could do it all night. That it what made the moses basket bassinet so amazing. I could keep him close to me in bed and still rock him because of the rocking stand.

| Huckleberry App |

When Grey was born I used countless apps and different means of tracking how much he was feeding and sleeping to better understand his needs. Huckleberry was the one that made it all a breeze. Plus as one who breastfed and tried to pump it was a must. It allowed me to see patterns in his sleep and eating and easily adjust our schedule when needed. It also helped me notice growth spurts and understand regressions.

| Silicone Breast Pump |

This is a breastfeeding mama MUST! And to be honest it was a lifesaver when my milk first came in and I know this because I tried to go without one, thinking ‘I don’t need a breast pump’ haha yes I did! It is easy to clean, light portable and very easy to use.

| Vtech Baby Monitor |

We used the Vtech Pan and Tilt VM5261 and I love it. They has an attachable lens to make it wide view, it have soothing sounds, a large display and a crystal clear video. I am never worried about Greyson because it never has any problems!!

| Ryan and Rose Pat Pat |

These pacifiers are the best they are soft, durable and the beaded handle offers a great teething toy and pacifier in one. Greyson still uses his and I will definitely be buying more for baby number 2.

Those 8 are just a few of the items I know we will be using again and why. As for the rest they do their own talking on why we will use them again. One they are amazing little products and two they made life so so much easier.

So I want to know what were your baby must-haves and why? Maybe one of your favourites will also become a favorite of mine! So head over to my Instgram or Facebook and let me know! And be sure to follow along as well because we are always up to something!!

Also if you want to try out any of these wonderful baby items simply scroll a little lower and shop below!

xoxo, Taylor

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