Welcome to Nurtured Narratives. A space where I ask you questions about motherhood and you share your honest opinions and I share my experience as well. A place where there is community, where your motherhood moments are honored as they are, and shared without judgment, comparison, guilt, or shame. So with open arms and an open mind, I welcome you to this week first reading!

What is the greatest lesson motherhood has taught you?

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Today’s question is one that I had been asked recently. So I thought why not get your personal thoughts on it. Everyone’s experience in motherhood is different and it is important to hear from a variety of perspectives when we dive into inner work. So let us dive into some of the greatest lessons that motherhood has taught you.

Anonymous 1 |
The love you feel for someone, your partner, your friends, your family doesn’t go as deep as the love you have for your kids. It’s a knock you in the gut and bring you to tears (in the best way) kind of love that grows as they grow. These moments when your child holds your hand and rubs their thumb on yours the same way you do are the most impactful moments. Love feels different these days and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Anonymous 2 |
The hardest lesson I am continually learning every day is to control my own emotions. How can I expect my kids to control theirs when I can’t control my own emotions. I want them to be kids and to learn from me, not to behave so that I am happy. I struggle with this everyday and I want so much to be the best mom I can be. But man. This job is HARD.

Anonymous 3 |
After my son passed away just before he turned 18, I realized we don’t actually get to keep our children. We love them, guide them, teach them and enjoy them ONLY for a time. Only till they grow up and grow away from you, or until death separates you. (Yes, I have more children, three older than my son, and four younger.) This is a reminder to myself to appreciate EVERYDAY! Make everyday count. It doesn’t have to be special or momentous, but solid loving.

Anonymous 4 |
To slow down. To not worry so much about all the house work and endless chores.. to just really enjoy each and every moment you can with your family. As you get older and experience loss you start to realize how precious each and every day is and realize tomorrow is never guaranteed.

Anonymous 5 |
Everyone grows and learns at their own pace, it doesn’t mean they won’t get there.

Anonymous 6 |
No matter how rough the nights, how bad the sleep, how constant the crying … as mothers I know for myself that my needs just continually adapted to the needs of my baby. I can function on way less sleep than I ever could before, because I know that it’s for my baby. I lose sleep because I’m up with my baby, making sure they feel safe and secure and loved. Not sure this makes sense, but I just notice as a mom, I need less to be and feel myself. Or maybe, my sense of self just changed to encompass my little one.

How beautiful are those answers!? Read them, reflect, and connect it to your own life. Below is my take on the question.

Taylor’s Reflection

I will always say that motherhood is home to me. It is something that I ALWAYS dreamed of and being a mom to three is so beautiful but also so so so much harder than the moves and books make it sound. My greatest lesson that motherhood has taught me is to be adaptive, openminded, and accept the unknown. (This is something I am still working on daily.)

I say this because with each additional child I have seen how different they each are. Their individual needs are all unique, even the simplest things like getting dressed, lunches, or going to an event all require a different level of my energy and emotions. This requires so much of myself to be flexible, adaptive, and openminded to makes changes on a whim.

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