Hello, my little love bugs and welcome to the first blog post launch of the Blogger Babe Brigade. Today we are bringing you everything you need to know about spring cleaning and de-cluttering, because well, it is the first day of spring. YAYYYY!! So who is ready to get their spring cleaning on?I know I am!
Spring cleaning is always something that I end up skipping because I am busy with school, work, and well life., but not this year. This year I am ready to let go of all the thing in my life that are keeping me from branching out, keeping me in the same old clothing, furniture, and kitchen rut. So this spring I invite you to go try and de-clutter not only your home or yard but all your life! Springs the time of year for new beggings and new adventures. And with the help of my five tips and five questions for de-cluttering, you will be on the road to trying new things like a new style, new makeup and maybe even a new diet. So what are we waiting for lets’ do some spring de-cluttering!
| The top FIVE tips to de-clutter any room |
| Step One | Pick A Place To Start
First things first is to pick a room or space that you want to de-clutter. The best part about this post is it will help you with any room you choose. You could choose the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, yard, garage the list can go on and on… So where will you be starting?
| Step Two | Get Together A Trash, Keep, Donate & Sell Box
Now you need to get a few boxes and label them: keep, donate, sell, trash. This will help you to make the quick decision of what to do with each item. If you are having a hard time deciding what you want to do with an item then ask yourself the five questions that are down below and in no time you will know just where to put it.
| Step Three | Do NOT Over Think It
If you spend too much time thinking about whether keeping the item or not is the right thing to do than you are over thinking it.This can lead to you never throwing away or donating anything. What you need to do it give yourself a time limit to decide, about 5-10 seconds is plenty and if it is something that has sentimental value allow yourself more or just keep it. Because we all have those little things that we will never throw away.
| Step Four | Pick The Right Time
A good de-clutter will take a good amount of time, so make sure you start on a day that you do not have to work or run a bunch of errands. Choose a day that you have time to just sit and de-clutter at your own pace. Maybe even invite a friend, pour a glass of wine, gossip and help a girl out.
| Step Five | Remeber Stuff Does Not Have Feelings
This may be a funny step but it is so so true, the stuff you are getting rid of does not have feelings and it will not be angry at you if you throw it away. So what it really making you hold onto that 100th sweater or 100th type of tea that you haven’t drank in a year but you think you might one day? Nothing but the fact that it may come in useful. Well, let me tell you honey, if you haven’t used it in the past 3-6 months it should go. Just close your eyes and put it in a box.
Now that you know all the tips and tricks of how to have a successful de-clutter day take a look at the top five questions you should be asking yourself when you are going to throw soemthing away. If you answer no to any of them then it is a sign that you do not need it. So let it be free and clean up some space in your home and mind!
| The Top FIVE Questions |
| One | Have I used it in the last year?
| Two | Does it fit my style and my living space?
| Three | If I were shopping right now would I buy it?
| Four | Do I have a realistic plan for it if I keep it and use it?
| Five | Is the only reason I am holding on to it because I do not want to “waste money”?
Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it all and I hope that your spring de-cluttering journey will be made easier because of what you have learned. Be sure to check out the rest of the Blogger Babe Brigades post all about spring cleaning and decluttering below. Then let me know where you will be starting your spring de-cluttering journey below?? I will be staring with the bathroom!!
Good post Taylor and I like the look of your blog very much. It would have been nice to have a great pin for sharing onto my Declutter board though.
Thank you so much Hun!! I hope to see you keep reading, I have lots of posts coming soon!