You have to trust the timing in your life.


I stumbled upon this quote a few days ago and it resonated with me so much. I know it sounds simple and almost clique but when I first read it brought back so many little memories of the doors that have closed and opened in my life. And all I could think was how soon I will be opening another one of those doors. We welcome our little surprise bundle of joy into the world in 4 short weeks!

But we are not quite there yet so let’s take a look at how these last few weeks of the third trimester or the longest trimester of your life if you ask me. It has been fairly easy on me which I and beyond thankful for. I couldn’t imagine being sick again while running around after Greyson in this early hot weather. Although this trimester hasn’t been all sunshine and lollipops, let’s talk about why.

| Hello Heartburn |

Pass the tums please or a few! When I was pregnant with Greyson I didn’t have heartburn to the point of having to take tums, it would spike then leave quickly. Not this time though! Once it hits that means I’ll have it for hours which is the worst. If you’ve had heartburn then you know my pain.

| Is 7 PM Too Early For Bed |

Exhaustion is the next gift the pregnancy fairy gave me haha. Even with staying active, drinking my 8 cups, and eating well, by the time the clock hits 2:30 I am struggling to keep my eyes open. Then by the time Greyson is in bed all I want to do is cuddle up and sleep too!

| Pass The Citrus & Sweets |

You heard my right I am still loving all the citrus and the sweets. But by sweets I mean fruit for the most part, and instead along with downing oranges I am loving apple with peanut butter *insert drooling emoji* but it has to be a very crunchy apple.

| Take A Guess |

So far almost everyone seems to be on team girl. Meanwhile, I, Jeremy, and a few other people are on team boy. A little girl would be wonderful and a big change from another boy but I am convinced that it’s a boy! Although this pregnancy has been quite different from the last and some would say there are signs of a girl but we will see when the time comes. What do you think, boy or girl??

Now that we are in the last month that means it is time to crack down on the rest of the organizing. Babies room, hospital bag, birth plan, time to start preparing because I have definitely been slacking on those parts!

And on that note the nest little bumpdate you’ll see is when baby is here. So until then take care.

xoxo, Taylor

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