The clock is ticking and the time is almost here for the third trimester to begin. That means in three short months we will be bringing home baby number two. We will officially have two littles under the age of two. EEEK! Am I scared? Nervous? Excited? Worried? or Overjoyed? Actually I am all of the above and that is 100% okay.
To be honest I think it is perfectly healthy and realistic to be feeling all those emotions. I am scared of complications during birth. Nervous how Greyson will react to having a baby in the house. Excited beyond explanation to have another baby. Worried about all this virus hype and bringing a baby into this world again. But overall, I am overjoyed to be a mom again and watch our little family grow bigger.
Sorry for that little bit of tea! Now for all the pregnancy talk.
| Pass The Cup of Coffee |
Actually I’ll take two. Exhaustion has hit me hard this time around, I am yawning by noon and could have a nap by 1 if life allowed me to. And some days I do sneak in a little nap but as someone who doesn’t like napping, I try to only do so occasionally. And although I am very exhausted the majority of the time, I still run around with Greyson, he is a whirlwind.
| What’s Different This Time Around |
One of the big questions I find people asking is ‘How is this pregnancy different from the lady?’ And to be honest it is quite different. I had morning sickness in the first trimester to where I was puking. TMI sorry! My hair, nails, and skin just seem to be dry and unquenchable. One other thing that is different is my craving for oranges, or citrus and fruit. I can not get enough of it!
| Moving House |
I think if we have another baby after this one we should keep this tradition of moving alive. I mean we will have already done it with the first two might as well with number 3 right. HAHA just kidding! But I am over the moon to be moving into our own house, a place we can call our home, and into a place, we can build a lifetime of memories. Most of the renovations are done but we have a few we are going to do over the next year. I also have plenty of little DIY projects I want to accomplish so stay tuned.
I hope you enjoyed the read about how the second trimester has gone! Stay tuned for the next bumpdate coming in the next few months. Not to mention lots of baby posts! Also if you want to see some behind the scenes of what we get up to day to day follow me on Instagram and Facebook! Thank you for stopping by!
xoxo, Taylor