| Welcome |

Hello, my love bugs and welcome to The Blogger Babe Brigade. I Hope you are just as excited about this blogger loop group as we are!! If you are unsure yet, just you wait because by the time posts start going up you will be in love with the idea.

By now you may be wondering “What is The Blogger Babe Brigade? Who are they? and What are they doing?” Well, let me tell you! The Blogger Babe Brigade is a group of amazing ladies that will bring you monthly seasonal themed posts, ranging from spring decluttering, delicious summer recipes, and tips and tricks about how to dress for anything the weather throws your way. Following the season every month, we will all be releasing a perfectly seasonally themed post. Then at the end of each of our posts will be a list of each all the other posts in the loop. This little loop will allow you to connect with plenty of different bloggers and find the one you love!

So… Are you ready? I know I am, and I know the rest of the ladies are too! So get ready for the first posts, they will be hitting a screen near you on the first day of spring. That’s right, March 20th! So stay tuned and make sure you subscribe and be the first to know about each new post.

| The Babes |

Taylor – Entirely Taylor

Mikaela – Rosegold Diary

Amanda – Fashion to Follow

Azalee Maslow – Azalee Maslow

Lindsey Pickett – Candidly Lindsey 

Mandy – Thrift Camp

Shana – This Beautiful Chaos



          The Blogger Babe Brigade

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