March 30th marked 5 months for my little man! Oh how the time flies and life passes by. It is crazy to think that within months my little man will be crawling then walking and talking. They grow so so fast!
Greyson is becoming quite a little character. He has figured out how to suck on his bottom lip so that is pretty much what he is always doing if he’s not chewing on his hands. And just the other day he learned how to roll from his back to his tummy. Now he there is no stopping him! Check out what else he has been up to below.
| Sleep Regression No More |
Do I dare say that it felt like the last month lasted forever!? Because it definitely did! But on a brighter note, I have made it out alive but
| Our Okanagan Trip |
We made it back home from our wonderful little family Trip! It was so so SO much fun, we went to some parks, soaked up all the sun and Greyson got to meet some of Jeremy and I’s family. Although the drive was long the stay was amazing! Stay tuned to learn all about it in an upcoming post!
| Getting Ready For Solids |
Over the past few weeks, I have been getting Greyson into the hang of tasting new foods, from a lick of apple, orange and a taste of a smoothie. He has loved every single bit of it and that along with the doctor’s approval has led me to give him a taste of some rice cereal. HE LOVED IT! And now he is eating two tiny meals a day.
The Next Chapter
Time goes by faster than I could have ever imagined! I can not believe that soon my little boy will be crawling then walking! And although I am so sad that my baby is growing so big I am excited for everything that is to come like going to the park, lake days and so much more.