Well today marks 2 months with Mr.Greyson! I miss the cuddly, squishy, newborn stage but am excited for what is to come. So much has changed in just two months it is insane!

Greyson is holding his head up with a little wabbling, wearing cloth diapers like a champ, and he has found his hands which he loves sucking on.

| Greyson’s Babyshower |

Early in December my wonderful family in-law threw Greyson and I a gorgeous babyshower. And while I was laughing and talking with family and friends Greyson slept. That’s right he slept from start to end as everyone got their baby snuggles in. We opened gifts, played the price is right and guess the baby food. It was a great little party!

| Nothing But Smiles |

Greyson has learned to smile and boy it is absolutely adorable. He has even started to social smile too. He loves the blowing bubbles sound, and is on the verge of laughing. I can not wait to hear that first giggle.
| Greyson’s First Christmas |

This first Christmas was a small one and that is okay! Greyson was spoiled, he got a Jumparoo and the Mamaroo (which is still in the mail). We had a lovely turkey dinner and present opening at our family’s house. We know he will not remember this Christmas but still photos were a must. Next year will be so much fun!

| What’s Next |

Up next we have Greyson’s immunizations, 2 month doctor’s appointment and hopefully his Mamaroo comes in. Other than that I am still working on his nursery and will be done very soon! Then he can finally move into his big boy bed once he is sleeping through the night!

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