Happy happy half-year birthday to my big little boy. The last 6 months have been a whirlwind of new experiences for not only Greyson but Jeremy and I too. As Greyson learned to eat we learned how to feed him, when he learned to smile we learned what he loved and disliked and when he learned to sit we learned to watch and cherish each and every little new thing that comes our way. We have learned to pause, breath more deeply and embrace the mess!

| Look Mom No Help |
Loving out Holly Bottoms cloth diaper as always

We have a sitter! That is right our little Grey can sit without any help at all! And he is loving it, he plays with his toys and loves to sit up on his own and he only falling over when he gets too excited. He is getting so so big it makes me want to cry.

| MMM More Please |
Yum, more please!

Learning to eat and exploring new tastes and textures has to be one of my most favourite stages. I love seeing the look on his face when likes what he is eating, the mmm mmm sound he makes followed by a smile is adorable and the yuck faces are pretty cute too. So far he is loving everything! A few of his favourites are avocado, banana, pear, and chewing on apple slices. Next, we are going to explore meats! Here chicken chicken.

|Hear Me Roar |

Along with sitting and eating Greyson is making some new sounds like BuBuBu and MuMuMu. I think maybe it is time to take a vote on what he says first, Mama or Dada! What do you think; will it be mama or dada? I am on team Mama for sure. He also has a new roaring sound and it is darn right adorable, from my baby bear to my baby dinosaur is what it sounds like.

| Seven Months Here We Come |
Like father like son!

Only 30 more days and my little boy will be 7 months. AHHHH it is crazy where the times goes but I am enjoying every minute as it ticks on. I can not wait until the summer, sandcastles, swimming, and our wedding! This is one year to remember that is for sure!

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