Say Hello to Hello Bello. A few months ago I decided to switch up our diaper game and give the very popular brand Hello Bello a try. Although I was very skeptical of how they would perform, on Greyson and Emberly I was pleasantly surprised! We are even still using them after 2 months. There are a few things that I have come to like and dislike that I’ll be sharing with you. Hopefully, it will help you make the decision if you want to switch too!
| The Verdict |
I decided to switch after calculating that they were a little cheaper than the seventh generation diapers we were using with Greyson. At one point we were using cloth diapers but after the wedding and heading back to work it was easier to use disposables. (But we will be using cloth again with Emberly).
Along with affordable they are also so soft and haven’t caused any rashes! With Huggies, Greyson had a bad reaction and an instant rash after peeing. Another aspect I love about Hello Bello is the prints, they are super cute and a great way to distract Greyson from rolling over at diaper changes.

A big con is the fit. I found that for Emberly the fit was not quite right and the back just needed to have a little extra stretch. However, with that being said they still fit and did what they were supposed to do. But we have had some leaks and explosions with her, so beware of that mess. Another con I had was their wipes, I just didn’t find them that soft and the bump pattern is odd. They didn’t work as well as our go-to seventh generation wipes. But those were the only two cons I had!

Overall, I thought Hello Bello worked good and because they are cheaper than the diapers that we were using we are going to continue to use them. But if I was wanting to spend a little more I would stick to seventh generation. Or best yet head back to cloth diapering.

If you want to try out Hello Bello and all that they have to offer head over to their site. Who knows maybe you will love them!!
Thank you for tuning in to today’s little review. This was not a sponsored post and all thoughts and opinions are my very own! If you’d like more reviews and to see what my litle family and I get up to during the day follow me on Instagram and Facebook.
xoxo, Taylor