Another 365 have come and gone. This year felt like it went in a blink of an eye too. Although it honestly feels like every year comes and goes faster than the year before. The first month of the year always feels like it drags on. Then, the last week speeds by in a blink!

but enough about the typical thought lets dive into 2024 looking back at some of fun we had.

To start the year off we traveled to Revelstoke, which was so fun and so terrible. Seeing the sights like The Three Valley Gap, Enchanted Forest, and camping with the family was great. However on the 5th day I caught the worst cold I’ve had since the c*vid. That part I could have done without. But overall, we made good memories. Looking back, I get a good laugh at it now.

Next, we enjoyed the summer sunshine during Greyson’s first summer break. We explored the trails, did some crafting, LOTS of camping and river days too. Hazels young age made the lake and river days tricky because sand was her favorite snack, mmm yummy. We can not wait for this summer and the warmer days ahead.

To celebrate our 5 year wedding anniversary Jeremy and I took a trip to the stunning Whistler. We rented Ebikes and cruised a 13+km bike ride all around the paths. We went through Rainbow Park and admired the amazing million dollar homes. We dined at some great places. My favorite part was the village and the view from the gondola. One day we would love to take the kids there.

In November we celebrated Hazels first birthday *insert mom tears*. The theme this year was gingerbread and it couldn’t have turned out any better! If you have a winter baby I highly recommend doing this cute and fun theme. The bonus is the decor doubles at Christmas decorations so you van get away with keeping it up for weeks.

Lastly we final found a house that checked almost all our boxes plus a few extra. Then made the big move a 2 weeks after the new year. It has been great to finally feel like we are living in a place we will call home. We will be here for a long time coming.

So now It is time to take the house we bought and turn it into a home! We are diving into a few small personal touches like flooring and paint. Stay tuned for all those details on the blog and Instagram later this month!

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