Ever feel like you could use a little help in the kitchen or with one of your least favorite chores around the house? Me too! That is where your toddler can help! A little while back I showed Greyson picking out and buying a toy all by himself and the money he used was all his too. That is right he made all that money by himself from helping around the house!
No I wasn’t making him wash dishes or forcing him sweep the floor each night. I was just giving him the opportunity to do few things to make a little money. The best part is he LOVED it too. Below I go over how we do chores for our little kids and a list of what kind of chores they can do too. So you can get your kids helping to and having fun while doing it! Plus don’t forget to download your free Chore Chart Printable at the end of the blog.
| How We Incorporate Chores |
When Greyson was around three or even younger he was helping with simple things, putting his dirty clothing in his laundry basket after getting pajamas on, cleaning up toys at the end of the day or after playing. Then one day I starting giving him a coin 5-25 cents when helped. I didn’t bribe him instead I would get him to help then if he did I would say thank you and give him a little something to add to his piggy bank. It took off!
He wanted to help more and was loving it! Then one day we counted his money and went to the toy store to choose a little toy of his choice and within his budget. Seeing what his money could do encouraged Greyson to do more little things to help and slowly he started to do harder chores too. Now it isn’t an everyday thing and we don’t keep a chore list but when I have something I know he is capable of doing I ask if he would like to help and 8 out of 10 times he wants to. It is all about having fun while helping and learning from the experience.
| Chores Your Littles Ones Can Help With |
Ages 2-4
-emptying the dish washer
-rinsing bubbles off dishes
-picking up their toys or cleaning their room
-watering the house plants
-bringing their laundry basket to the laundry room
-feed our pets
-put dirty clothing in the washer
-put their folding clothes away
Ages 4-6
-make their beds
-give pets water
-use small broom to sweep of little crumbs
-fold clothes and towels
-help with making meals
-put garbage bag back into garbage can
-put dirty dishes in the dish washer
-clean a window
| Why Doing Chores Is Good For Children |
Chore are great for children because it shows them how to take care of themselves, the house, and family members. The skills they learn while doing chores will give them a better skillset for when they are on their own. As well, chores build health habits, a sense of independence and a feeling of accomplishment when they are finished. Chores are great as long as children are doing simple, easy to do tasks that are suitable for their age and abilities. Take a look at how happy Greyson was to pick out a toy and pay for it with the money he earned! So adorable!
So what do you think? Next time you are doing a simple task will you ask of your child wants to help? If so that is wonderful and remember to keep it fun! Think of putting away clothes as a matching game, watering plants as giving the plants a drink or helping with meal time as a chef in a fancy restaurant. It is all about learning through doing so let them do it and have fun.
If you want to try a daily chore then download my printable little chore chart below. Choose between 5 different fun colours and then work with your child to cut out the chore cards! On Sundays sit down and give a chore for each day of the upcoming week.
xoxo, Taylor