Packing a lunch for your picky or always hungry toddler can be challenging to say the least. With the kids starting daycare recently I am finding it challenging at times to keep it healthy, yummy, and easy. After a few weeks, I am getting into the groove of it! And since all of you love when I share what I am packing in my kid’s lunches I thought I would tell you just how I do it.
So if you need some toddler lunch inspiration and a foolproof lunch packing plan I’ve got your back mama. Also do not forget to check back in a few weeks for all of our Lunch Box recipes and staples. In the end, I also include where I get lots of my lunch box inspiration from and I am so thankful for those amazing accounts. Plus they share so many great good eating tips. Now let’s dive into my tips on How to pack the best toddler lunchbox.
How To Back The Best Toddle Lunchbox
One|| First thing I like to do is get out the containers I will be using. I use the bento boxes by Presidents Choice, the large 4 compartment container, and the small 2 compartment container. (Shop them HERE) They are a perfect size and make lunches a breeze.
Two|| Our daycare does morning and afternoon snacks and lunch so I think to pack lunches based like that and a good rule of thumb is 2 items for each snack and 34 items for a lunch. Don’t worry they can have the same things for both snacks! I pack lunch first which is usually a sandwich, a fruit, a vegetable, and fat (cheese, avocado, nuts, etc.) or card. For snacks, my go-to is yogurt with granola and fruit or crackers, vegetables, and hummus or cheese. Sometimes I like to add a treat type of food, cookie or muffin, etc.
Three|| Lastly I like I never forget the “backup snack”. After working in a daycare for a long while I learned that sending your child with extra is always better than not enough. So that is why I always throw in an extra snack like a granola bar, cheese stick, or something that I know my child likes just in case. Because somedays they play extra hard and need a little more. Or some days they do not like a snack so it’s nice to have that little something.
My Number 1 Tip|| Keep it familiar! A safe familiar lunch that is nearly the same all the time is not a problem! Keeping it familiar will be comforting and you will know they are getting the food they need!
Accounts I Love For Inspiration
Check out some of these amazing Instagram accounts to help you make lunches by clicking the links below!
Thank you so much for reading I hope that it helps you make lunches and I hope you get some great inspiration from my favorite accounts too. Make sure you tune in for my next post about our favorite sandwiches, keeping it interesting and yummy for you littles.
Follow along on Instagram to see what I pack each daycare day if you need a little extra inspiration!
xoxo, Taylor