Last year I set a goal of simply trying to read more. I didn’t set a number of books to read or pages per month because I knew that I needed to keep the goal simple. And I am happy to say I actually started and finished 1 whole book! Silly right 1 book but as someone who basically only read textbooks for 3 years picking up a book for pleasure just seemed impossible.

But I did it! I finished a book and I loved it! I read Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis. Have you read it yet? If not then you should. Hell, you need to run to the book store and buy it now, go, go! It is funny, so so truthful and just an overall wonderful, light read.

So after finishing that goal for 2019, it made me what to read more in 2020 and I made a little list of the books I want to read and why. And I thought why not share it with all you bookworms because maybe you’d want to read these books too. So here are the books that I aim to read this 2020 year.

| My 2020 Reading List |
| ONE | The Montessori Toddler

The Montessori Toddler has at its heart a message of mindfulness, of joy, and of acceptance of one’s child and his or her natural curiosity and desire to learn about the world.” This quote is the simplest way to describe why I want to read this book. It is a great resource for raising your toddler without so much screen and electronic time.

| TWO | Girl Stop Apologizing

Now this one I want to read because it is perfect for the entrepreneur women or one who wants to embrace and achieve their goals. And well that is me. Not to mention I have heard that it is a must-read from fellow friends and bloggers.

| THREE | Fraiche Food: Full Hearts

Now, now I know what you are thinking. This is not a book for “reading” Taylor. And I know, but it is a book and none the less one that I want to explore, by reading, following the recipes, and making some delicious eats. Because if you know me then you know I love cooking and baking!

Reading seems like a simple goal and honestly, I do have time in my schedule but that would mean trading in some Netflix time. Although maybe that is exactly what has to happen to make this goal happen. And if so that is something I think I can do. Do you think I can do it too? Or do you think it is something you can do? I know it is. So I created this free printable for you to download and keep track of your 2020 reading list below.

To follow along with my reading journey follow me on my socials or subscribe to my email list! May your new year be everything and more that you hoped for.

xoxo, Taylor

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