Welcome to my journey through a sugar detox. After finding my dream wedding dress and ordering a set size I realized the crunch was on to start kicking my sweet tooth. So I decided why not take the plunge and do a sugar detox!

The detox that I am following is by 8 Fit you can follow along and join me by checking it out for yourself HERE. It is really easy the only rule is to limit your sugar intake whether it is fresh or artificial. I wanted to this for me and a few big reasons that I explain below!

One | Eat Better Feel Better

One of the big reasons I wanted to embark on this sugar detox was to get in touch my body and feel better about what I am putting into it. Lately, my go-to is a sweet treat after dinner and not a very healthy one. This is a habit I wanted to break and learn how to reach for something healthier.

Two | Understand My Sweet Tooth

My sweet tooth is a comfort mechanism and just a love for sweets. I love baking so it just goes hand in hand, but I want to start reaching for more natural sweets and achieve the same sweet fix I do when I reach for a cookie. Sounds crazy but I know it is possible all I need is a little determination.

Three | Feel More Energized

I’ve read a lot about energy and how to feel more energized without caffeine and ditching sugar is one of the number one ways to do so. Another way to feel more energized is to stay active. So along with no sugar, I vowed to do some more walking!

| My Experience |

The program is 21-days sound short right? Well, when you are the one reading label after label and trying to find what you can and can not eat it starts to feel long. But thank you to the 8-Fit guide they give you a topic to focus on each day and it make it so much easier.

Right now I am halfway done and LOVING it! Loving how I am feeling, what I have learned and how far I’ve made it. Do not get me wrong I have indulged in a Fresca on an evening or two but I still categorize that as a win in my books!

Days 1-4 were very difficult I was battling the mid-afternoon sugar craving like crazy and on day 5 and 6 I had killer headaches that would come and go. It was probably sugar withdrawal and a combination of being tired and not drinking enough water too. But I made it past it and now half way through I can say that my daily sugar craving is GONE!

I have learned to reach for healthier snacks, like a couple of carrots, cucumber slices or an apple instead of crackers or sugary granola bars. If you plan to join in on this sugar detox which I highly suggest! Make sure you shop smart and prepare, make snacks ahead of time like hard-boiled eggs, protein energy bits, chopped veggies and so much more.

Thank you for tuning in and I hope to see some of you joining me on this detox! Stay tuned for Part 2 of my sugar detox!! I will tell you all about how the last 2 weeks went and share a few of my favourite snacks that have helped get me through, break my cravings and stay on track. Be sure to like, comment and subscribe!

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