Last year I chose 4 words for 2021 Strive, Flourish, Balance, Nourish. You can read about why I chose those words here. I love choosing words to live by for the year instead of setting huge new year’s resolutions because making small changes over time and slowly adjusting your direction is more manageable. You should try it too! It works wonders for me and maybe it will for you.

Below are the 3 words I chose for 2022 and the reasons behind why I chose them too. Plus a little explanation of how I choose my words every year so maybe you can choose some too!

My 3 Words for 2022

Over the year I started making a few of these changes to try and adjust where I want to be and go in life. To pick these words I looked at my values, my current and future goals and what I needed to do to achieve them. And after all that, I came up with these 3 words. Simplify, Purpose, Joy.


By simplify I mean I want to use less waste, recycle more and just reduce the about of stuff we have in all aspects of our home. I love the meaning behind living a simpler life, the sayings ‘less is more’ and ‘quality over quantity’ really resonate with me and I want to live by them more.


I want to find more purpose in life and have that course align with where I want my life to be in 2,3,4, FIVE years from now. I have already done so by re-entering my career field and signing up for a course to help me with my career. We are also talking about more kids, a new house with property and the overall direction we want to go.


Joy is an attitude that defines circumstance. I have always been chasing happiness and society makes it seem like it is something to be chased. But Joy, Joy is what we should be working towards. The ability to slow down and see the bright side of any circumstance. And that is something that I want to achieve more of!! That feeling of dancing in the rain instead of wishing for sunshine!

Those are my words for 2022 I hope that they have inspired you to choose some of your own works and work making them happen over the next year. Happy 2022 may it be joyous for you!


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