After our second born, Emberly, I felt like nothing fit nothing looked good together and I loathed getting dressed in the morning. Nothing I had made me feel good and after having a baby feeling good in your new role and new skin is huge. With that I really started assessing why I didn’t like my clothing, what I didn’t like about it and how I could change that. What I realized is I had a lot of clothing that I liked on the hanger, not on me. I had a lot of nice pieces but none of them really went together. This made getting dressed in the morning feel like a never ending task which ultimately had me wearing the same leggings and tee day in day out.
It got me thinking how can I change my wardrobe on a budget? That is when I found the wonderful world of capsule wardrobes! A Capsule Wardrobe is a limited selection of clothing that are interchangeable and complimentary to each other. It is most often composed of classic cuts and neutral tones that do not go out of style. The colour schemes, simplicity, and fashionable outfits with only 5 pieces had me hooked. I was instantly in love and knew I wanted to achieve one. Now two years on I can finally say I am happy with my wardrobe, I love the way my clothing fits me and putting together an outfit only takes me 10 minutes max. Learn how you can start one too!
Three Things I Did To Get Started
1| Assess My Style
I don’t go out clubbing and heels are not for chasing toddlers. My style was laidback, cute, girly and fashionable without being too over the top. I wanted it to have lots of neutral colours that would bring out my hair colour and not drowned out my light skin.
2 | Purged My Closet
After finding the style I wear and looking into what pieces go with that style I started purging closet. I set out 3 bins, donate, giveaway and trash it. Anything that I hadn’t worn in the last 6 months to a year was either given away donated or trashed. Anything that didn’t make me feel good, that I didn’t love was gone.
3 | Build A Base
The next step for me was to build my base by filling in those closet staples, 2 pairs of good jeans I went with Levi’s in two different styles. Next I replaced some tank tops, and looked for neutral colours when shopping. I Also start looking into what types of fabric have a long wear and wash period before they are done. This has helped my closet last longer. Quality over Quantity!
Remember that building a capsule wardrobe is not something that happens overnight. It happens over time, by slowly and mindfully picking the clothing that you love, that works with your body and makes you feel beautiful. Check out the printable picture below to help you on your next shopping trip.
So next time you are shopping be mindful of what is missing when you go to choose an outfit and stay away from those “oooo that’s cute” grab and buy moments. I know I am guilty of those too! And in a short few months you’ll be sure to fill in those missing gaps.
If you want help starting your base send me a message 🙂 I am happy to help you make your capsule wardrobe dreams come true.
xoxo, Taylor