Hello again, it is me. I have been very silent over here for quite some time now and there is no better reason for it other than… I have been feeling very uninspired. I have let the hurls and curls of life get in my way. I know I know, excuses!! But it is so true!
Over the past few months, there have been so many BIG changes in my little life. Greyson reaching new milestones, getting married, starting work, and starting a small business have left me questioning so many things. Why was I blogging in the first place? Is anyone really interested in what I am saying? Is it all just a waste of time? Does my blog even represent who I am anymore? You can see how all these nagging questions have been getting to me. I do not like to admit it but it is true.
When I first started Entirely Taylor I used it as a way of finding my voice, myself and as a way to get out of my comfort zone. It allowed me to speak, be creative and connect with like-minded women like myself. And I am so thankful and grateful for all of the amazing people I have met along my way.
I am happy to say Entirely Taylor has taught me so many things about myself. Many of these things I wouldn’t have discovered without it. Like talking, being honest and open and learning how to love myself. It has allowed me to connect, share and build relationships. Honestly, Entirely Taylor has made me so happy over the past 2 years it is something that I do not want to give up!
It is something I won’t give up! I want to continue sharing with you. So I invite you all to this next chapter of my life. The new me! The new Entirely Taylor! A place where I can share what I am truly passionate about again. A place where we can connect, collaborate and share. So here is to finding my niche and voice again, one post at a time.
xoxo, Taylor